We hope you’re staying well and fit while we all learn what it means to live during a global pandemic!
This email is to let you know our plans for the 2020 LRC racing season. At a recent “virtual” committee meeting it was decided that we would start the 2020 handicapped racing season on Saturday 18th July – save the date! This is the weekend after Tasmania goes into the 3rd phase of recovery and we’ll be able to have up to 100 people gathering outside (while still social distancing). Of course there may be changes to this depending on the government and the virus. We plan to open up conversations with the appropriate people in the Tasmanian government to make sure that we put in place the best COVID safe plan, so that we can not only get back to racing but keep our community safe at the same time.
These are a few things that we discussed about how our 2020 season will look in light of COVID-19..
- ALL race day entries must be done online (by the Friday at 7pm – time to be confirmed) – NO race day entries.
- People will be encouraged to turn up as close as possible to their handicapped start time.
- There will be no after race presentations & people will be encouraged to go home when they finish their race. We will do the prizes and random draws virtually and e-vouchers will replace cash for prizes.
- Depending on numbers we may need to instigate an entry limit – entries will close if we hit those limits. However as we race across 3 distances and 3 start times, we may not need to do this.
- On 18th July we will start with race ONE in the current calendar and follow the calendar as its laid out – a new calendar will be created with the new dates ASAP 🙂 If we race every weekend the last race will be on 28th Nov, however the calendar still needs to be finalised.
The Virtual Runs – a number of people have suggested that we continue the virtual runs after the racing season starts. We are considering this as another option because there are people who’d like to run with us more often but:-
– they can’t make Saturday races as regularly as they’d like because of other commitments;
– they are in the vulnerable category or who live with someone who is vulnerable.
At this stage we’ve decided that once the racing season starts we will no longer include these runs in your “LRC race count”. Plus we will no longer collate the results as we have been doing (which is very time consuming). Instead we’re looking at providing a LRC weekly “run” calendar (giving you 3 days to run) and way for each person to manually upload their distance/time before a cut-off time, which we will publish each week – with possibly a sponsored random draw. If you have any thoughts on this we’d love to hear them? 🙂
Speaking of virtual runs – to help us get ready for the 2020 racing season we’re looking at having NO Virtual run on the weekend of 11th July.. i.e. a weekend off before we start racing 🙂
You can pick up the updated Virtual run calendar here: CLICK HERE .. PLEASE NOTE that next week was supposed to be our charity fancy dress run for St Giles – we’d love to see some of you out there running in costume… take a photo and send it into the Facebook … We might find something in the cupboard for you 😉
Much of the detail is still being worked out to get us racing in 2020, but if you have any questions or suggestions let us know?
As we decide more we’ll let you know.