Ashley Brook was successful in the inaugural Michon Int. Youngtown Trail run which started and finished at the Youngtown Memorial Oval in a good quality field of 56. This was a first win for Ashley who has run with the club for several seasons having come a close second in 2012. On an at times slippery trail, Ashley prevailed over the tough 6km course to win by a narrow 3 seconds from Austin O’Byrne and Dylan Evans who managed third. Austin’s second may have the historians scrambling for the record books to see if any other runner in the clubs long history has finished second in three consecutive races and four for the season! No-one can say he’s inconsistent.

Fastest male was Dylan Evans at a run rate of 3:19 per km while fastest female was Amy Lamprecht at a rate of 4:20 per km.

The Div 2 and 3 course was run around the oval perimeter. Miranda Gregory won Div 3 from Oliver Walker and 1 second behind Oliver was Luke McHugh. Fastest female was Averyl Quinn with a run rate 4.52 per km and Luke McHugh 4.32 km.

Div 2 winner was also a member of the Gregory family with Charlotte crossing the line first with Eliza Anderson 2nd and Ella Boxhall 3rd and fastest female with a km rate of 4.14. Fastest male was Harry Johnson with 5:17 per km.

Next week we travel to Scottsdale for the Half Marathon race to Bridport. Meet at Coplestone Rd for an 11am start and bring an afternoon tea for post race presentations and remember there will not be Div 2 & 3 races.