When people reach out to say these reports are the highlight of their week and ask how do you keep the magic going, I modestly reply and say who knows, I just start typing and see what comes out, here we go again, another week another race and another report. I remember like a lot of others trying to wag school, hide in toilets, go home and drink beer, basically do anything to get out of school cross country. This week we all decided to pay for the privilege and go and run around a school, I am still not sure why. Thanks to Tim Reese for doing his best impersonation of the annoying school PE teacher and enthusiastically setting and explaining the course, he may have even asked “who’s excited kids.”

Anyway for the actual race it was a first win the lovely Belinda Oliver with a great run around in the muddy, slippery conditions, taking out the race with quite a zippy pace. In second place was David Anderson strutting around in the Australian shorts with his sun tan on display. In third was Leanne Bishop less than a second between the two in a fantastic finish. Special mention to our finish ribbon holders, you had one job, and managed to hold the ribbon backwards, brilliant stuff. Our fastest male was Matthew Zegveld, another great run, is Ricky going to come make him work for club champion though? will Leigh Geale take the handbrake off and try to catch him? The fastest female was Rosie Jackson, a great effort to step into the long course and flog us all, well done Rosie. Well done for most runners for not getting lost today 🙂

In division two it was a hard fought race with Lisa McCarthy striding home across the oval to a comfortable victory. In second place was Mia Zeeman with a speedy run somehow in the old style converse basketball looking shoes, on a cross country course, not sure how she did that. In third was the speedy Harry Jackson, chasing everyone down to jump onto the podium, Harry also took out fastest male. Our fastest under 18 female was again Jada Rowlings, having a fantastic year and a real quiet achiever at the club.

Division one listened closely to Tim’s instructions and all did a good job of the course. It was a photo finish with Cale Eastley just holding on at the line ahead of Flynn Murrary finishing fast, Marcus Finearty was only another 5 seconds behind, what a finish. The fastest male was Flynn Murray and the fastest female was Melia Bugg. Well done to all the kids. A special mention to Sylvester and Sebastian who got a little lost and went running around in circles on the oval rather than running straight to the finish line, entertaining stuff.

Full results are available on the website.

Thanks to our wonderful new sponsor the Goddess Work Pole Studio, I am sure they would love some of our members to give them a go. Thanks for coming on board this year with your support. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers today, without you the race does not happen. If you are a long course runner we would love you to come marshal for the kids races one weekend.

Next weeks entries are open here. It is the fancy dress race sponsored by Haymes with all entries and sponsorship fees going to St Giles Society. This race will start at 10:30 for everyone and be a lot of different muck around runs, wear a costume, and there will be some giveaways for different costume categories- stay tuned to facebook for details this week. 

Please note for THIS WEEK ONLY you will not need a timing chip and you can enter online up until Saturday at 10:30. Attendance at the race will count to road runner and consistency points awards. If you just want to come and run and don’t want to wear a costume that is fine.