Tony wins :-)

Tony Bagshaw finally broke through for a win in todays 7k stroll around Heritage Forest..  Almost 100 people lined up for todays division one race.  Timothy Warren raced into 2nd from Peter Tucker who took out 3rd.. The division two 2.28k race was won by Danielle...

Results are up

The results are up for race 1 & 2.  Unfortunately the computer is still saying “no” a little bit and the results are in PDF format instead of the usual popup..  When you click on the race link the PDF should open automatically.. WHO WON WHAT?? Race 1...

Results will be up soon :-)

Well done to all the runners that ran today at Low Head..  The results for the Low Head race and the Riverside race will be up soon..  We are having a minor tecnical issue – basically the “computer says no”!  With any luck we can sort out out...

Riverside has been run and won

Well done everyone who competed in the first race of the season at the Riverside swimming pool.  The weather was a little overcast which made this run a little more bearable 😉 There were heaps for kids in div 2 & 3 and over 70 runners in Division one.. Todays race...