Today the LRC took to the trails of the Trevallyn Reserve to support a local charity in our annual Haymes Paint Fancy Dress Charity Fun Run. We had various super heroes, onesies, animals, witches, a ballerina, a policeman, Wyatt Earp, a bag of peas, a penguin and many many more!
All these characters took to the trails of the Trevallyn Reserve covering various distances – mostly unrelated to the set distances and more dictated by their costumes 🙂
As always, there were loads of laughs and lots of prizes and sausages to be had! No results this week as it wasn’t a race 🙂
All the entry fees, sponsorship and sausage money will be donated to our local charity – St Giles! This year we raised …. $850!!!
Well done everyone – great effort!
Good luck to all those competing in tomorrows Launceston Running Festival – run well and strong … But leave a little in the tank for next weeks event – the Crazy Duck 15k at George Town!