Jumping ahead to AFTER the season finishes – 8th Sept – also the day after our presentation dinner – we have partnered with the Grapest run, which after a number of successful events on the mainland is coming to TASSIE!!  The aim of the event is to get people out running in places they don’t usually have access to (lucky us, will have run our feature race in the same vineyard 2 weeks earlier ;-))  There will be a 5 and 10k plus a 1k wine waddle!  They will also have a band to listen too!  As an LRC member you have been offered a 10% discount – just use “LRC10” as the code.

For more details head over to their website: http://www.grapest5krun.com.au/pipers-brook

* We’re also looking for members who might like to volunteer on the day to help with a warm up session, at registration, handing out medals, course marshals and merchandise table. If you’re interested in volunteering please put your name down in the caravan 🙂