The Boxhall Steel Blackstone 5km was won by Katherine Whitmore in signs of good form for the feature race next Saturday. In registering the fastest female rate of 4:05 per km Katherine managed to over power Shaun O’Reagan and Lorraine Lee-Archer in second and third respectively who also have been running consistently in recent weeks. The fastest male was Austin O’Byrne in 3:39 per km.
The post race calcutta for the Country Club Ten proved the Feature race will be tightly contested with many runners being plunged by punters in anticipation of a flooded finish line. Lets hope that’s the case.
In Div 2 Jj Tai crossed the line first, followed closely by fast finishing Tom Murchison and Eliza Anderson in third position. Tom was fastest male with 3.31 per km and Ella Boxhall fastest female with 4.13 per km. Thomas O’Byrne was the winner and fastest male with 4.04 per km in division 3. Second was Alex Zegveld and Joseph Rogers Jr in third. Chloe White was fastest female with 4.58 per km.
If you are planning to attend the presentation dinner (and we hope you are!) please make life easier for the organisers and pre-pay this week. A great night is sure to be had. see you all Saturday.