Todays Ringarooma 10k and 4k races held as a joint event by the Ringarooma Show Committee and the Launceston Running Club saw 58 runners enjoy the gorgeous North East countryside!
The 10K was won by David Thomas from Ricky Barnewall and Abbas Rajab Ali.  Debbie Pauna was the first female home from Coby Gore and Susan Thomas.
David’s winning time was – 32:38 while Debbie’s was 42:38.

In the 4k race Lester Cairns was the overall winner.  Prizes were given to the first 3 male and female under 16.  The top three under 16 males were Cody Johnson, Lenny Duffy and Nic Creswell and the top three under 16 females were Shae Arnold, Chloe Harper and Millie Duffy.

Click here for full results: FULL RESULTS

Well done to all the runners and to the Ringarooma Show Committee (especially Bruce Cox) for another fabulous event – we’ll see you in 2020!