The much anticipated 2016 LRC Country Club 10k feature race was won by one of the back markers – Tim Warren. However due to a wrong turn on a new FUN feature race course around Inversek, Tim didn’t cross the line in first place and was upgraded from 2nd to 1st after a little mathematic gymnastics 🙂 Well done Tim and thanks Ricky for being such a great sport! Second place was filled by Brodie Triffett and third by Kurt Geier. Kurt also retrieved the missing turning cone after it had been either blown off the levy bank or tampered with by a couple of local kids. Unfortunately that wasn’t until a few runners added a little extra distance to their races – we could all do with a longer run now and then 🙂
The fastest male was also our winner Tim in a slick 3.52k rate. The fastest female was Mel Hill in a not too shabby 4.48k rate.
The division two 2.5k race was won by a fast finishing Eliza Anderson. The fastest male in this race was Ryan Holloway and the fastest female was Ella Boxhall.
The division three 1.5k race was won by Ella Mannion. The fastest male in this race was Luke McHugh and the fastest female was race winner Ella Mannion.
At the end of this race we had the junior presentations with consistency awards and club champions being awarded. The Yafflers running group also made an extra special presentation to all the kids who ran in the Feature Race – thanks guys, there were some very happy kids 🙂
Full results from todays race can be found here.
The LRC 10k Feature race sees the end of another successful Launceston Running Club season – the change from 25 to 20 races a year means its flown by even faster than normal!.. Don’t forget the presentation dinner is on 17th September at the Country Club – please contact us via our Facebook page to book your seat for a fantastic night of fun and laughter as we all relive the 2016 race year!
Well done to everyone who ran this year! Happy running over Spring and Summer – look out for news of trail runs over the off season 🙂