Over 100 runner in divisions 1, 2 & 3 BRAVED todays wild conditions!  Congratulations to everyone who turned up & ran (& to the supporters – it can’t have been very pleasant either)..

Division one was won by Susanne Pel from Timothy Warren and Jaclyn Clark..  The results will show a slight muck up as the original second place runner mistakenly only ran 2 of the 3 laps – and faster than he ever thought possible 😉  Once its updated on the LAC computer I can update the results here..

The Division 2, 2.5k race was won by Rizgar Kilinc while the division 3, 1.5k race was won by Sam Rathore..  It should be noted that the youngest people in the club ran in the worst of the weather conditions today!!  Proud of you guys – talk about tough!!