by LRC Admin | Nov 28, 2022 | Updates
Thank you to everyone who made it along to our AGM on Saturday 26th November at the Door of Hope facility. It is always nice to see people take a passionate interest in the club and to voice several current and future concerns. The outpouring of appreciation for the...
by LRC Admin | Oct 24, 2022 | 2022, Updates
At the end of the season we had two wonderful awards/presentation events for seniors and juniors. Well done to all our winners for taking out the various trophies and awards. Anyone who was not able to make it to collect their award can come and collect at the AGM at...
by LRC Admin | Oct 24, 2022 | Updates
Notice is hereby given that the Launceston Running Club will be holding both a Special General Meeting and its Annual General Meeting. Details are as follows. All members and guests are invited to attend, both meetings will be on the same day and run one after the...
by LRC Admin | Aug 27, 2022 | Updates
There are some big days on the Australian sports calendar, AFL Grand Final, Melbourne Cup, Sydney to Hobart and of course the Launceston Running Club Feature race. Our wonderful sponsor provided a beautiful setting, unfortunately there needed to be some course...
by LRC Admin | Aug 23, 2022 | Updates
Hello Everyone, apologies for the late notice but we have only been advised of some important conditions for this weekends feature race today. If you are coming to the feature race please read the following carefully. Unfortunately a recent development of Phylloxera...
by LRC Admin | Aug 20, 2022 | Updates
I don’t think stormed has ever been used in a race report before..or maybe it has. Well this week there was a lot of rain around, Georgie suggested we check the Blackstone Heights course out, I said why the heck would we do that? She insisted it could be...